  • - A Curated Online Store is founded by Carmen Kot, who has lived in Singapore for 4 years and tried countless products over the years to deal with the heat, humidity and mosquitoes in SG.

    "The first few years were tough on me" says Carmen. "I suddenly had NO IDEA how to deal with such a 
    humid climate - I was constantly battling my frizzy hair, ugly mosquito bites and I felt so hot and 
    bothered all the time! And I'm Australian!"

    After trying many different products and chatting to many people, Carmen felt that she had collected 
    a great range of effective products that really works and has made life much more enjoyable in SG.

    Every product in the range has been tried and tested for effectiveness in Singapore.

    So If you feel any of the below:

    a) sweat constantly especially on the face!

    b) battle with frizzy hair 

    c) feel constantly paranoid about mosquito bites

    d) struggle to find great sunscreen that doesn't have scary chemicals in it

    e) have sensitive, dry, itchy skin and can't find products that help

    f) want awesome mum and baby products that aren't crazily priced and actually work...

    then is here to help. 

    SurviveSG offers thoughtful, targeted products for those living in the hot, humid and tropical climate that is Singapore. 
    SurviveSG vision is to help make life easier and enjoyable for those living in Singapore.

    SurviveSG aim to deliver our products conveniently to your door, beautifully packaged and in a speedy, professional manner 
    (with FREE shipping/ delivery in Singapore!)